Sure seems hard to believe that 34 years ago we walked down the isle in an outdoor wedding and we still remain a couple. Strange as it may seem we passed that 34 year point on Saturday and celebrated by getting up early for a day trip across the Delaware Bay to New Jersey. After a breakfast at the Crackerbarrel in Lewes Delaware, we drove to the Cape May/Lewis Ferry Landing on Cape Henlopen. Arriving an hour early we went into the gift shop and killed some time looking at the photos of the landing and the ferries as they were just a few years prior to our nuptuals. We often saw the signs for the Ferry when we visited this area in our younger years but we had never made the crossing and felt to do so would be a great way to celebrate our marriage. The ferry arrived and we drove on board within view of the two light houses and the World War II sub towers on the Cape. Departing the harbor we passed Cape Henlopen which was lined with surf fishermen trying to land one of the fall run stripped bass that are cruising the Delaware coast. The New Jersey Coast is just out of sight but a half hour into the 90 minute trip the land could be sighted. Except for the laughing gulls and herring gulls no other wildlife was sighed by us as we walked the decks watching the caost grow closer as we rocked back and forth on the waves always present at the mouth of the Delaware Bay.
The cape May Ferry Landing is on the Cape MAy Canal that goes from the Atlantic Ocean to the Delaware Bay and as we entered the canal we both recalled memories of the "SANJAY" our 44' trawler that we travelled/lived on for 18 months. We cruised through this canal about this time in 1998.
We headed northward to Wildwood to play tourist at the Irish Festival. About an hour of bagpipe and drum music which terminated with a memorial for a fallen commrad where about 200 bagpipes played "Amazing Grace" -- awesome and very moving.
After sampling food and drink at the festival we went to Menz's Resturaunt near Cape May. great ambience, great food, great time.
Caught the ferry back arriving about dark. We will probably remember this anniversary.