Thursday, January 18, 2007

Our first few months of RVing

This is the first of a series of entries to try to cover the earlier days of our Rving life style. We sold our house in Gautier Mississippi before Hurricane Katrina, bought the Tiffin Phaeton RV in Birmingham, AL. (The actual purchase is a story in itself -- ask and I'll tell you about it.) After a few weeks at Shepard State Park in Gautier, we sold the house and got rid of anything we felt we could part with, put the rest into storage or into the RV if we felt we would need it and headed east. Following the Gulf Coast, we made a stop in Destin and Panama City FL and then continued on the Cedar Key.

The bend in the tree seemed just made for our RV and "toad" (referes to our "towed" vehicle the Jeep Grand Cherokee). Cedar Key is a neat little fishing villiage and the location of a significant aquaculture clam raising business. I got to tour the breeding area where they grow the seedclams for sale to the farmers. The farmers lease plots of bay borrom, seed the bottom with the small calms and in a few years go back and harvest their catch. I had stopped at the facility to buy some clams for steaming.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Biloxi and the Mississippi Coast

We spent Christmas and New Years here in Biloxi. Today is our last scheduled appointment. We’ve cleaned most unnecessary stuff out of our storage and cut the storage requirement in half. All our doctor visits have been very good. We’re doing pretty well for being young senior citizens. We have managed to visit with some friends. I’ve been able to play golf once or twice a week but my scores have not been too great. I’ve had a few scores in the mid 80s but failed to break 90 twice. (YEECH!!!) Bicycling has been one of our pastimes. We have taken a few short rides locally to Hiller Park, a nearby city park, and to the VA. Yesterday we were in Lucedale for dental appointments. On the way home we stopped at the Pascagoula Wildlife Management Area near Wilkerson Ferry and went for about a five mile bike ride on the dirt roads through the management area. The river is at 18’ which is just a few feet below flood. The higher water prevented us from getting all the way to Josephine Sandbar but we were able to enjoy a pleasant picnic on one of the walkways out into Rimes Lake.
Sandi had done a little work on her quilts—one she is doing a repair job on for Marisa and Sammy our grandkids in Maryland. I have been able to complete a few maintenance chores on the RV and Jeep. I may try to complete them today. All I need to do yet is change and flush the coolant in the Jeep and do an oil change on the generator. We are starting to get antsy to move on. We’ve been doing some buying and selling on E-bay and Amazon and have some stuff in the mail. As soon as we receive all that stuff, we will probably move on.