Friday, December 15, 2006

Nashville to Mississippi Gulf Coast

We departed Nashville and continues further south. We got on the Natchez Trace at its terminus just south west of Nashville and followed it to a point just north of Tupelo MS. From there we went to Red Bay, AL for some maintenance at the Tiffin facility. The good news was that I was able to get some questions answered and decided that I did not need to have them do any maintenance. So I got in a quick round of golf 45/45 at the Redmont Club and we departed for McCalla, AL to spend some time with Jayme, our daughter, her husband Chris, and especially our grand daughter Braelyn. Braelyn is still as pleasant as ever but Sandi and I both found out quickly that she likes to stand and just be supported. Attempts to hold and hug her resulted in crying granddaughter. Since she almost never crys, we will have to curb our desire to hug. We are camped at McCalla Campground about three miles from Jayme and Chris’. I had hoped to play some golf but the Tannehill Course near here where I used to play a lot of golf is being turned into a subdivision. I’ll need to look for some cheap golf around here somewhere.

The weather was beautiful two days ago. Sandi and I went out for a bicycle ride and after returning, I could not sit around with the weather so nice so I went out to Frank House Municipal Golf Course in Bessemer for a 42/41 round.

Jayme and Sandi took off shopping leaving me alone with Braelyn. Boy did I like that. What a great child she is. Doesn’t cry unless there is something wrong – tired, hungry, or wet. Even I can figure that out.

We attended church at Pleasant Hill UMC, Jayme’s church. The Paster gives the best sermons.After lunch at Subway and lounging around at Jayme’s, Sandi and I went to hear Handel’s Messiah at a Methodist Church in Hoover. The Birmingham Civic Choral Goup and the Birmingham Symphony did a great job. After the Messiah, Sandi took us out to the Firebird steak house for a very good dinner. Most enjoyable evening

Weather here is turning cold. After a rather mild period, temperatures dropped to into the 20s at night and on warmer days up to 60. Looks like it may get down into the teens the next few nights and only into the 40 during the day. For the last week and a half Sandi and I have been afflicted with a miserable cold. Although we are both starting to recover, we still have some persistent symptoms. We had baby sat for Braelyn and believe she probably brought it to us from her day care. Chris and Jayme both had it as well but in their youth they recovered a lot quicker than we did.

I did not get to do any golf marshalling so I have not played as much as I would have liked. Between the cold temperatures and having a cold I only got out once. That was yesterday when I shot 41/48 at Frank House Municipal course in Bessemer. I figured that would be my last until I get to MS but it appears as if the weather may get up into the 60s again before we leave so I may get to play one more time here.

We did get to ride our bicycles. One day we headed west on the road by the campground. The hills were too much for Sandi so even though we only went a few miles, she was beat and on most of the hills, she had to get off the bike and push. A day or so after that trip we went again heading east and went the three miles to Jayme and Chris’. I helped Jayme hang Christmas decorations/lights outside. Their place looks nice and Jayme is obviously proud of her accomplishments.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

We leave here in two days. Just a week and a half from Christmas, Christmas is going to be lonely. Jayme and Chris have plans to go to his parents this year so we would not see them much even if we were here, We have had some time together and we have had a lot of time with Brealyn. I got to spend time with her while Sandi and Jayme went shopping, Sandi had some 0ne-on-one while Jayme and I went out and Sandi and I had her at the RV on several occasions during our month here. She is one fine little baby. It has been fun watching her grow up. We have seen changes in just the four weeks we were here.. She can grab things and reaches for things, is very attentive to the cats or anything that attracts her attention, She is so close to crawling. I know that one of these moments she will be off a going. She slides along but is not quite crawling.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Last night was our last get-together with Jayme, Chris, and Braelyn for a while. We hope to get back to visit them sometime between March and May but the parting was painful. Don’t know if it is because we are getting older and more sentimental, the grandkids or what but everytime we leave family it gets harder.

We had an early Christmas at their house last night. We exchanged gifts and had some champagne and wine with a pizza supper, some small talk but lots of watching Brealyn. Her first priority seemed to be to eat the wrapping paper but she did get to examining and playing with a few gifts from Nana and Pop Pop. It was a great night.

We drove from McCalla to Biloxi and we are now set up at the Fam-Camp at Keesler AFB in Biloxi.

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