Friday, May 23, 2008

Tuckahoe State Park, MD

We are in Denton Maryland, only a few miles from our son Bill, his wife Ann, and two of our grandchildren and we are thoroughly enjoying ourselves. We get to see Marisa and Sam regularly and they have even camped out with us in the RV at Tuckahoe State Park In Maryland state where we are staying.

We have been volunteering at the park near Denton on the Eastern Shore. Although we have stayed in this park several times in the past, this is the first time we have volunteered here in exchange for hook-ups for our RV.

Maryland Department of Natural Resources has an educational Program called “Scales to Tails”. In several parks they have aviaries with birds of prey and reptiles that are used for educational programs for groups and schools. Here at Tuckahoe the “Scales to Tails” program is in such high demand that the rangers that administer that program had no time to provide nature interpretation or activities for the weekend campers. Since Sandi and I have experience handling birds of prey and doing nature interpretation and activities our offer to help was quickly accepted.

This campground has 50-60 campsites. From Monday through Friday the entire park is nearly empty but fills up every weekend. Every Friday and Saturday evening we each talk about one of the parks educational animals as we carry them around and roam the campgrounds. The screach owls, barred owl, kestral, and broad-winged hawk are relatively easy to handle but the red-tailed hawk and the horned owl are a bit more unrully. The snakes and turtles are docile. On Saturday and Sunday mornings Sandi has nature craft sessions with the younger kids in the park. She has been making pine-cone owls and tissue paper butterflies. During the same period, I have been leading nature hikes and bird walks.

Rain seems to impact nearly every weekend including Mother’s Day weekend. On Sunday we finished our morning activities and headed east to Rehobeth Beach Delaware where we had both spend time when we were much younger. For Mother’s day I treated her to the fine beach-side cusine: boardwalk french fries, carmel corn, soft pretzels, and then topped it off with chicken BBQ at a volunteer firehall. It actually was a very fun day.

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